Super Value Food Store i Nassau

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Mackey Street, Nassau, BS Bahamas
Kontakter telefon: +1 242-361-5220
Latitude: 25.0709696, Longitude: -77.3242128
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Kommentar 5

  • Bill Schatzow

    Bill Schatzow


    Best prices around. 1/4 of paradise island prices

  • Wagner Castro

    Wagner Castro


    One of the best supermarkets in Nassau. If you are in Paradise Island all you have to do is crossing the bridge and walk a few blocks more. There you will find everything you need during your stay in Bahamas. Many options of fresh fruit and vegetables, salad (self service), bread, juice etc. The prices are much better than in Paradise Island and the goods are always fresh.

  • Tim Vickers

    Tim Vickers


    Was scouting for a cheaper alternative to the options offered on Paradise Island for our essentials during out stay in October 2018. Bit of a trip to walk here, would recommend getting a taxi. This place would be the locals equivalent of a Safeway in the US. Prices are not cheap. It's shocking how the locals afford to live with these prices. $30 for sunscreen and deodorant. Service wasn't particularly friendly, though they do have a diverse selection, comparable to a US supermarket with many familiar brands.

  • Loniece Murphy

    Loniece Murphy


    Good food, reasonable prices. Always fresh. Staff is friendly.

  • Roland Staudenmann

    Roland Staudenmann


    Achtung Kassirerin klaute uns ein bezahltes Feuerzeug. Die machten ein riesen TamTam wenn mann ein Feuerzeug kaufen will, weil dies anscheinend belibte Schmuggelware ist. Nach dem bezahlen des ganzen einksuf hat es dann die Kassirerin eingesteckt und im Apartment keine spur mehr davon. Ausserdem stinkt es gewaltig in diesem Supermarkt.

Desværre, der er ingen steder i Købmand eller supermarked Bahamas

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