Burger King i Nassau

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Nassau, The Bahamas
Kontakter telefon: +1-242
Hjemmeside: www.burgerking.bs
Latitude: 25.0451395, Longitude: -77.3739165
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Kommentar 5

  • Garth Sands

    Garth Sands


    Great service n good workers very helpful and on time n very polite

  • virtuous reece

    virtuous reece


    A good place for fast food

  • A Maksyhung

    A Maksyhung


    Less traffic at this location allows faster service. One of the only locations with an indoor kids playground.

  • Anastacia Clarke

    Anastacia Clarke


    A great option to host a kids party indoors for those rainy days... best part, no cleaning up. :-)

  • Maranda Marshall

    Maranda Marshall


    They say have it your way. I would like for the staff to be more courteous to customers. I visited the Harold Rd. location on my way to work, ordered two of the same thing requested to have the hot water put in one larger cup to make it easier for me to carry. The teller says "no drive to the 1st window" I got to the 1st window and was given my total immediately. Not good morning, just the total. That was my first and last last time there.

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