Junkanoo World i Nassau

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05 Horseshoe Drive Oakes Field Nassau N.P, Nassau, The Bahamas
Kontakter telefon: +1 242-356-5846
Hjemmeside: junkanoo-world.business.site
Latitude: 25.0645514, Longitude: -77.3565111
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Kommentar 5

  • Richard D

    Richard D


    Its awesome especially on Friday evenings #2thumbs

  • King Cox

    King Cox


    The song of junkanoo rebuild the mine and love that we have for our Bahama land and people

  • Nahassah Flowers

    Nahassah Flowers


    Great Cultural experience

  • Terence Jamison

    Terence Jamison


    Man!!, Look here when I first jumped off the bus I thought, yup; JUNK,. To my surprise I learned so much about Barrabas and The Bahamas and the culture. Bahamian life is mostly poor, but the richness of this place was phenomenal, and they have good hot sauce too.

  • Kimequa Davis

    Kimequa Davis


    Barabbas (the owner of this museum) has put a lot of love into this place. He has a passion for Junkanoo and is happy to offer tours and share his insight and experience. A friend and I were lucky enough to meet Barabbas and get invited to this museum. He treated us like family. He even let us try on some of the costumes for photographs. If you are interested in Junkanoo history or just some cultural insight for the island, this is a really interesting place to visit!

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