Fort Charlotte i Nassau

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West Bay Street, Nassau, BS The Bahamas
Kontakter telefon: +1-242
Latitude: 25.0769583, Longitude: -77.3587326
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Kommentar 5

  • Bryce Caster

    Bryce Caster


    Easily the most impressive British fort on the island. While it didn't see any battles, Fort Charlotte is fun to tour and gives good insight into the history of the area.

  • Juls Mac

    Juls Mac


    Our guide Racquel I think was really nice. It was a quick tour but very informative and then we got to wander a bit after. Re-enactment was neat. Wouldn't want to be there on super hot day though!

  • Marquita Seymour

    Marquita Seymour


    This is a wonderful site,very historical and holds an interesting background. Great for taking pictures and getting an insight on what went down in history that made Nassau,New Providence what it is today. From pirates and buccaneers to Loyalist and Wars!!! I recommend, ANY tourist to visit here whether it's as soon as you leave the plane or cruise ship,or before you leave. 😆😆😁😁

  • Cassie Westenhaver

    Cassie Westenhaver


    The Fort was interesting, however we were on an excursion The Great Nassau Quest, which made the Fort even more fun. We learn some things, had some friendly competition, and tried some local favorites. It was an all around enjoyable trip. I look forward to being able to visit Nassau again.

  • Anthony Marotta

    Anthony Marotta


    Nice piece of history less than 30 minute walk from the cruise port for the able bodied or 7 minute taxi. Inexpensive entry fee, nice views of the sea and a lot of history to learn about the fort and Nassau. If you read everything plan to spend about an hour or so. There are restrooms.

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