Goldie's Conch House i Nassau

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Nassau, The Bahamas
Kontakter telefon: +1 242-325-4300
Latitude: 25.0798706, Longitude: -77.3597681
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Kommentar 5

  • Tyler Humbard

    Tyler Humbard


    We shared the Seafood Platter and the GROUPER IS AMAZING. I could sit and eat grouper all day. Super fun spot on the water, sit on the patio and enjoy a nice view.

  • Stephen Collet

    Stephen Collet


    Place was awesome, great hospitality and a free shot when we came in plus we got a conch for the low and some fire which was perfect for what we wanted

  • J Hauber

    J Hauber


    I love Goldies! It is a must stop every time we are in Nassau. Best conch salad around!

  • Anne Zenisek

    Anne Zenisek


    Four of us shared the seafood platter for $30. We added on a couple of beers and Sky juice... It was delicious. We were also satisfied that we didn't even go out for dinner. Bonus note, we loved talking to their regulars and love the charm. A great choice for Fish Fry!!!

  • Sean M

    Sean M


    Good service and good food. We sat outside overlooking the small mountain of conch shells that they have gone though over the years. Apparently part of the restaurant is built on conch shells from years gone by. We sat outside, and the wind was just right... but occasionally the smell of the dead conchs would waft up. I'd eat inside next time. Cracked Conch all around, and we loved it.

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