El Greco Hotel i Nassau

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West Bay Street, Nassau, BS Bahamy
Kontakter telefon: +1 242-325-1121
Latitude: 25.078243, Longitude: -77.349439
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Kommentar 5

  • joey finly

    joey finly


    The setup is simple but nice and the service and people are great!

  • Candisha Rolle

    Candisha Rolle


    Under renovations at the moment, but enjoying the bohemian style of the hotel!

  • Parez Demeritte

    Parez Demeritte


    Cost effective. Room isn't in bad shape. Parking is horrible on a normal day and even worse if it rains. But overall it's recommended if you're not looking for something too expensive.

  • Cassandra Pink

    Cassandra Pink


    You get what you pay for. Not at all what I expected from the pictures online when I booked it. But it serves its purpose for a bed and shower. They have no hot water & upon checking in there was a lady screaming and shouting at the hotel staff. Nothing to do with the service but it was crazy. They eventually calmed her down and she left. Across the street from the beach and tiki hut which is nice. Food near by and a liquor store across the street. Prime location.

  • DivasHeart W

    DivasHeart W


    I stayed at El Greco for the 2018 New Year's Eve Countdown something different from being at home in USA freezing with cold weather! I enjoyed my stay. The beach was in great distance. The staff were very helpful. I planned to return soon! Thanks for the warm welcome!

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