Bahamas Electricity Corporation i Nassau

Åben kort
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🕗 Åbningstider

Baillou Hill Road, N 7509, Nassau, BS The Bahamas
Kontakter telefon: +1 242-302-1000
Latitude: 25.0594805, Longitude: -77.3493119
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Kommentar 5

  • judith rahming

    judith rahming


    poor customer service and never answers their phone for assistance.

  • Patrick Nolan

    Patrick Nolan


    The worst customer service possible, which is simply to say non existent because you cannot get through to anyone. Call and it just hangs up, choose an option it simply wont put you through, and absolutely no-where can you find an email address to send a query to. Completely ridiculous! I dont actually know how you are supposed to deal with Bahamas Power.

  • Veti Sweeting

    Veti Sweeting


    Very slow and the workers are not knowledgeable. They are quick to disconnect but slow to reconnect.

  • Philip Bethel

    Philip Bethel


    Good employees... but POOR MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS is evident. BPL/ Bec gift card system down a whole week after visiting the blue hill headquarters and wasting an hour of my time each time i visited. Twice i visited and watched others pay their bill when i have a 100 dollar gift card to pay on my bill. Different name same deplorable and dissappointing service from a company that cant gain the public's confidence. Front line employees do their best but know the operations n way things are managed are incompetent!!

  • david kaneen

    david kaneen


    A nightmare of incompetence. Try paying your bill online and you will be told you don't have an account, they don't have an address for you, they don't have a PIN or password for you. It also states quite clearly on the site that all bills must be paid IN US DOLLARS!!! What is going on here and why doesn't anyone fix things? Try phoning these people and they will ask for your ID and PIN number. Then your ID and PIN number. Then your ID and PIN number. Then your ID and PIN number. Eventually the call will disconnect. Who is in charge of this total disaster?????????

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