Bahama Grill i Nassau

Åben kort
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West Bay Street, Nassau, BS The Bahamas
Kontakter telefon: +1 242-356-4745
Latitude: 25.0797006, Longitude: -77.363137
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Kommentar 5

  • Pallis Lockhart

    Pallis Lockhart


    Food atmosphere and staff very accommodating hosted cousin birthday there wonderful

  • Architectural Construction Services

    Architectural Construction Services


    Good Bahamian food and service. The restaurant is suited for semiformal of casual dinning and their personnel is also friendly

  • Laquita Braynen

    Laquita Braynen


    On Fridays they have happy hour from 5-9 all u can drink. The food is reasonable and taste great. Staff are willing to help you. Great place.

  • John Wang

    John Wang


    Great food for what you pay. Love their ribs and grilled conch. The cornbread and tarts aren't my favorite, but that could just be my palate. The people working there were super nice.

  • Rashida Wynter-Donaldson

    Rashida Wynter-Donaldson


    Ribs were excellent. Fall off the bone tender and full of flavour! Chicken was just as good. Wait staff was friendly and knowledgeable. Food and drink for 3 (only took 1 side with each dish) was less than $60. That is cheap by Bahamian standards.

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