Town Center Mall i Nassau

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Baillou Hill Road, Nassau, BS Bahamas
Kontakter telefon: +1 242-397-7587
Latitude: 25.0461644, Longitude: -77.3493266
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Kommentar 5

  • Rico H

    Rico H


    Only really 3 things to go in there for. The bank, costrite, and furniture plus

  • Dada Media

    Dada Media


    Demolish please. Only cost rite and furniture plus making sense here. It's a desert for the most part.

  • Tracey Lunn

    Tracey Lunn


    There are no stores in this mall anymore. The only places in here are Furniture Plus, Cost Rite, Commonwealth Bank, and a bathroom. This mall has nothing left and it's a shame because it has the space and potential to be an awesome mall. It's a shame what happened to this mall.

  • Tariro Chimutsa

    Tariro Chimutsa


    The place could be used better. Too much space lying idle. I love the bookshop and Cost right which usually has good deals.

  • Álvaro Álvarez

    Álvaro Álvarez


    Pequeño centro comercial. Ideal para compras rápidas

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