The University of The Bahamas i Nassau

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Thompson Boulevard, N 4912, Nassau, BS The Bahamas
Kontakter telefon: +1 242-302-4300
Latitude: 25.061642, Longitude: -77.3532597
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Kommentar 5

  • Zhavargo Carroll

    Zhavargo Carroll


    Came from a long way "soaring through new heights"! this Portia M Building was developed 1974 from four institutions that made it possible to create this College of the Bahamas .Now a University! a new extension has created a larger facility to enable students to expand their possibility's for a newer greater professional Bahamas. Securities onsight disable parking and wheel chair accessibility is everywhere where needed .Applicants are accepted comfortably so Go Mingoes! and let your feathers Levitate!

  • J-mack 5000

    J-mack 5000


    I applied in December and haven't gotten a response yet and it's June. Couldn't even apply for the national bursary scholarship becuase this stupid school wouldn't send me the acceptance letter. Very unorganized

  • Vernal Major

    Vernal Major


    Good College for a host of fields of studies. Recently elevated to University status which has provided The Bahamas with high quality of educational options for citizens and training for professionals.

  • Amina Clare

    Amina Clare


    If you can attend this place and graduate in one piece, nothing in life you can't accomplish. This university prepares you to deal with the best and worst in life. It forces you to grow up and learn to be pacient. The lessons you learn here you'll be grateful for later. I loved my experience here. I would not exchange the time I spent here for anything. I found my identity in this place.

  • Austin Smith

    Austin Smith


    I found this place to be hell on earth. Disorganized and barely functioning. As a student, it's extremely difficult to be prepared for anything this institution could throw at you but it prepares you for life. The lecturers here are a hit and miss but generally are concerned about the students wellbeing, both inside and outside of the classroom (speaking for the business lecturers that I was fortunate to have). This institution will teach you that life isn't easy and it's always best to have a plan B for your plan B. It has prepared me for my working life and really taught me stress management skills and how to prepare for unpredictable. Props to this dysfunctional institution as they teach you how to swim in lava! (Not a great place for those that cannot endure a severe, 4-5 year lasting challenge).

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