Pizza Hut i Nassau

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West Bay Street, Nassau, BS Bahamas
Kontakter telefon: +1 242-603-3333
Latitude: 25.079397, Longitude: -77.369848
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Kommentar 5

  • Gail Symonette

    Gail Symonette


    When I ordered online, they told me I needed to spend at least $15 so I added a cheese sticks to bring my bill up. My bill was basically $20 and I asked the store when they called for directions for change for a $50. They said that they don’t carry more than $20 but I honestly have nothing smaller otherwise I would have just give them the smaller bills. I asked them to ring the bell but they knocked, which lead me to not hear anything until I got some aggressive banging. Opened the door to the delivery guy already going into his car and he walks up to me aggressively and clearly upset saying I was pretty much on the blacklist after I explained to him the situation that I don’t have anything smaller. Well, apparently he could’ve given me change 🙄 and he finally did after an awkward stare off since he had other orders to deliver before mines. That entire altercation was very unecessary and I’m disgusted in Pizza Huts poor choice of staff. I’ve ordered from them a few times before and never experienced such attitude and sass since they opened their Saunders Beach location.

  • Donnell Saunders

    Donnell Saunders


    Pizza was hot and tasted well as usual. However, service could be quicker. Waited about an hour in store for a pizza.

  • Nikki Kopiasz

    Nikki Kopiasz


    They had us waiting for hour an a half for food an it never arrived when we asked where our order is they told us they tried getting ahold of us (that never happened) to let us know that they had ran out of 2Xl pizzas instead of sending us 3 lrg to substitute an she lied saying he was on road but he will be another 30-40 min this place is a joke DONT ORDER HERE

  • Shakila Johnson

    Shakila Johnson


    Menu items are out of stock and management made no effort to assist.

  • Doris Whyms

    Doris Whyms


    Decided to telephone order a pizza from the current special for in store pick up. While the service was efficient, they neglected to inform me that the special was a square pizza. Not only was it smaller than anticipated, but it lacked coverage over alot of the pizza. That was a bummer considering they held back considerably on the toppings. That was the second on two visits, neither of which was pleasant. Saunders Beach locations however, is always amazing. I rate them 5 stars, hands down, every visit.

Nærmeste Måltid levering:

Marco's Pizza

Village Road Shopping Centre, Village Road, Nassau
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