Mario's Bowling and Entertainment Palace i Nassau

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Tonique Williams-Darling Highway, Nassau, BS Bahamas
Kontakter telefon: +1 242-326-8010
Latitude: 25.0503606, Longitude: -77.384541
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Kommentar 5

  • Rhonda Williams

    Rhonda Williams


    In an environment consisting of different ages, there should be a variety of music. Pizza should be done when presented...if the time frame is not sufficient to preparation the order should not be taken.

  • Jem Wilkinson

    Jem Wilkinson


    The lane kept getting stuck with pins. Some maintenance is needed and upgrading. Had A nice time overall. Good wings too. Edit! Took away a star...just went here again 2 nights ago: I took part in a bowling tournament there the other night. From the entry to the lanes, the place was extremely hot. It was my 3rd time in there and I have to say every time I had been, it's always been hot. Like the air is barely on. Imagine it this summer!? That's ridiculous! People were dripping! They need to turn the temp down in there..or cut it on, or something! Also, the lanes were not working properly. A worker had to be called every few minutes for some of those lanes. My gosh, what a killjoy. Smh.

  • tasha bissainte

    tasha bissainte


    I enjoyed the games but when it was time to get my food it long than we never got our food and instead of saying sorry for the mix up the cashier had the most horrible attitude. But i have to say the manager Raymond was so professional and apologetic . So i only can give three stars because of Mr Raymond.

  • Álvaro Álvarez

    Álvaro Álvarez


    Bien lugar para divertirte!

  • Tariro Chimutsa

    Tariro Chimutsa


    This is the place to go to if you are a small group and just want to have fun.. its not just for adults, it also caters for the young ones with an area station full of games to keep them on their toes. Its not just bowling for the adults but there is snooker too. There is a bar and restaurant to cater for your stomach needs too. Ever think of throwing an unforgettable birthday for your little one,then think nomore, this is a one stop shop for all your needs. All you gave to do is show up and enjoy.

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