Jamaa' Ahlus-Sunnah Bahamas i Nassau

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Ferguson Estate Road, Nassau, BS The Bahamas
Kontakter telefon: +1 242-341-6612
Latitude: 25.0236702, Longitude: -77.371382
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Kommentar 5

  • Naseer Ahmed

    Naseer Ahmed


    Assalamu Alaikum waRahmatullahi WaBarakatuh! Alhamdulillah we happened to visit Nassau Bahamas for a vacation and we prayed the Jumuah at this beautiful masjid. The imam and the people are very loving and affectionate. It was raining when we exited and our 8 yrs old son slipped on the wet stairs. The imam ran to help him and guide/caution others about the slippery surface. The Friday prayer starts with the khutbah around 1.20 PM and the actual Jamaat is around 1.45 PM. Alhamdulillah, if we visit again, we will certainly pray here. Jazaak Allahu khairan.

  • Gabrielle Kuhn

    Gabrielle Kuhn


    A must for all Muslim travelers to the Bahamas! And very refreshing for students who are into the beach but not the spring break debauchery (lol)

  • Mehran Mohammed

    Mehran Mohammed


    Salaam. What is the jummah timing on April 13, 2018?

  • Mohdjghj Mh.Shariq

    Mohdjghj Mh.Shariq


    Ooh I'm proud of this muslim community also lived in bahamas island here is graceful mosque and privacy place Islam is an rapidity religion in the World. Indian thougt

  • Kamil Tekelioglu

    Kamil Tekelioglu


    Masallah. It's an honor to have such a mosque in this island. Brothers over there also Have a great community and are super welcoming. May Allah help them all with their Dava.

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