Graycliff Hotel & Restaurant i Nassau

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West Hill Street Nassau N.P, Nassau, The Bahamas
Kontakter telefon: +1 242-302-9150
Latitude: 25.0756805, Longitude: -77.3457177
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Kommentar 5

  • Jeremy Willis

    Jeremy Willis


    Beautiful area. Excellent food and drinks. Very upscale and we'll groomed. Hand rolled cigars right next door.




    Beautiful hotel with lots of history, the staff is really friendly. Make sure you buy a cigar freshly made on the spot and visit the new winery across the street, amazing staff!! The only nice spot in Nassau

  • Greg Thomason

    Greg Thomason


    Absolutely the worst service I have experienced, from fast food to five star locations. My wife and I went for a fifth anniversary celebration. She had looked forward to going for over a month. Once seated, we had to ask for a wine menu multiple times. In the first hour we had been served four small pieces of bread, although the waiter was not happy when we asked for more bread, and a glass of wine. We were disappointed and asked for our drink bill so we could go leave, The waiter brought the bill, with no apology. When I paid ($65 for one cocktail and one glass of wine) he mumbled sorry about the mix up, without even making eye contact. When leaving, I related our experience to the owner. While he looked shocked, no apology was offered. The doorman who waived us a cab gave us a very nice apology. He should be given a raise, and the rest of the staff should take lessons from him. Don't waste your time with this pretentious, "five star" establishment.

  • Milton Shockley

    Milton Shockley


    The Graycliff is an unique hotel in the Bahamas.. one of the largest wine collections definitely in that area and maybe in the southeast. It is a well-preserved Cellar worth your visiting. The food in the restaurant is outstanding for the Bahamas and I highly recommend you visiting it if you go anywhere near there.

  • Simon Collier

    Simon Collier


    Attended the happy hour in the winery across the road from the hotel. An excellent selection of wine, made from imported grape juice from around the world. On Fridays between 5pm and 8pm it is $20 to drink as much as you like! And a live band as well. If you get peckish, you can order a pizza from across the road.

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