D & C Takeaway i Nassau

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Boyd Road, Nassau, BS The Bahamas
Kontakter telefon: +1 242-322-5440
Hjemmeside: www.dandctakeaway.com
Latitude: 25.0686758, Longitude: -77.3547041
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Kommentar 5

  • Jessica Colebrooke

    Jessica Colebrooke


    The wait is a bit long because of the crowd but that's expected because the food is AWESOME. I got the fish fillet with peas & rice, baked macaroni and plantains. I swear I almost ate the plate.

  • Norman Miller

    Norman Miller


    Not the best but it's expectationally good. Menu has excellent variety

  • Marcus Garvey

    Marcus Garvey


    If you want something good to eat this is the place to go .And prices are very good too.

  • Juliette Braynen

    Juliette Braynen


    Good food...fast service. Fettuccine is always creamy and satisfying

  • Jason Moxey

    Jason Moxey


    I was told about this great place and I was recommended by a friend to check this place out. When I visit Nassau again I must go to this place and try some of their delicious food. He also told me that their prices are very good and they give decent food for your money. I can't wait to check this place out my mouth is dribbling for their food. I recommend everyone to visit this great place to grab a quick bite I am sure you won't be disappointed. 😁

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