Cycles Unlimited i Nassau

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53, Mackey Street, Nassau, BS The Bahamas
Kontakter telefon: +1 242-393-0155
Latitude: 25.0693545, Longitude: -77.3238618
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Kommentar 5

  • A RedNiP

    A RedNiP


    Lele the perfect 👌🏽 assistant in this store. She helped as a first timer cyclist 🚴‍♀️ and now I’m a loyal customer. Great service 🙌🏾

  • Tina Litzinger

    Tina Litzinger


    Full service bike store and mechanics with reasonable prices. Don't know what I would do without it.

  • Ronrick Bowejr

    Ronrick Bowejr



  • utoobfam



    Great bike shop! We just returned from a fun bike tour out of Cycles Unlimited. Douglas Fawkes provided our family of four with a happy bike trip through interesting parts of Nassau. It was exciting to get out on street level and meet and greet smiling locals, visit shops and artisans, and lunch at a native restaurant. Besides the sun and ocean, the best thing about Nassau are its warm locals. We enjoyed our little break away from the synthetic Atlantis. You could too.

  • Douglas Fawkes

    Douglas Fawkes


    This is the best bicycle store in the Bahamas. Bicycle sales, service, clothing and accessories. Bicycle rentals and possibly tours are also available. This store is better than a lot of bicycle stores in the USA!

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