Colony Club Inn & Suites i Nassau

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St Albans Drive, West Bay Street, Nassau, Bahamas
Kontakter telefon: +1 242-325-1325
Latitude: 25.0754881, Longitude: -77.3648107
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Kommentar 5

  • Peterson Lucien

    Peterson Lucien


    My Wifey and I went on Vacation in The Bahamas for the first time, we stayed there for 2 nights it’s was Awesone.... The manager Gina we’re spectacular, she ordered Taxi for us from the Main airport to the hotel which was super.... Breakfast was good.... we Enjoy the Bahamas... I strongly recommend this Hotel*****

  • Josh V

    Josh V


    I’ll just give you a pros and cons list Pro’s 1. 15 ish min walk to the nearest restaurants 2. Rooms were relatively clean 3.Staff was friendly for the most part 4. They offered breakfast 5. Fridge and microwave in room Con’s 1. Hardly ever had clean towels 2. If you were lucky enough you had hot shower 3. The rooms needed refurbishment 4. We found a few bugs in our room 5. Neighborhood was very sketch bars on windows at the hotel as well as loud music at night from the neighbors

  • Sheryl Lewis

    Sheryl Lewis


    I've been here before which wasn't as good as it is now. The improvements the renovation makes it a better environment... Friendly staff improved with customer service... My boyfriend and I had a wonderful time and we will be back.

  • Ms Uneek

    Ms Uneek


    I actually stayed at the sister B&B "The Oasis". Mr. Errol Petty displayed excellent customer service skills beginning prior to our arrival and throughout our stay. Our initial unit was too small for our liking so Mr. Petty provided a COMPLIMENTARY upgrade to suit us better and we were VERY SATISFIED. Emmanuel, our attendant, was also very nice, he transported our luggage for us to the new unit and to the vehicle upon our departure. I would recommend The Oasis for your stay in The Bahamas. Nice service. Nice accommodations. - Ms. Patton

  • thomas butzenlechner

    thomas butzenlechner


    Nichts besonderes aber ganz okay. Für diesen Preis kann man darüber hinweg sehen, das es schon einige jahre auf dem Buckel hat. War sauber und Personal war nett

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