Centerville Food Store i Nassau

Åben kort
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🕗 Åbningstider

East Avenue, Nassau, BS Bahamas
Kontakter telefon: +1 242-325-8106
Latitude: 25.0667761, Longitude: -77.3341026
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Kommentar 5

  • Ana Thompson

    Ana Thompson


    A very nice selection of essential goods and products which can service the needs of most customers. What I particularly like the most about here is there organic aisle, where they stock a great deal of vegetarian/vegan cooking products which are not easily found in other food stores (eg. almond flour, avocado oil, spelt, etc). Additionally, their prices are quite affordable and they sell a lot of organic products in larger sizes. Well worth the visit!

  • Mohammed Uddin López

    Mohammed Uddin López


    This is a nice small store where you can find products that can save your day, such as food supplies, hygiene, dairies and so on.

  • Zhavargo Carroll

    Zhavargo Carroll


    Nice store for quick visits and pick ups on bread basket items but also has wheel chair access in store front which was cool!

  • Quincy Thompson

    Quincy Thompson


    Great food store with items and prices not found anywhere else in the Bahamas.

  • Jessica Glinton

    Jessica Glinton


    It has really good stuff such as whole sale things the shop has good quality :-) B-)

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