AID i Nassau

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226 Wulff Road East N4814, Nassau, The Bahamas
Kontakter telefon: +1 242-393-7481
Latitude: 25.057446, Longitude: -77.325396
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Kommentar 5

  • Sandy Smith

    Sandy Smith


    The prices are good. The store is clean & spacious. There is a wide range & variety of products to choose from. Good customer service.

  • N Allen

    N Allen


    A pack of thieves! Crooks! Brigands! Even with supplying the VIN#, model and year of your car, their parts are useless. Outdated car part system and outdated store policies! Buyers beware! I repeat! It is a complete waste of time purchasing parts from these people. Nothing fits!!! Real bush mechanic stock at car dealer prices with little chance of refund. And it does not even matter if they charge your card or if you have a bank statement AND card used on hand. You can have two of the THREE receipts that they gave you as well (from the constant up and down of wrong part sizes), and they still will not refund you! And your lousy manager was no help! No store credit or ANYTHING!! BUT WHY THE HELL WOULD I WANT TO PURCHASE ANYTHING ELSE FROM YOU GUYS AT THIS POINT??!! I should have known from the countless times I called the parts dept and could not get through, that it was an omen! This company will not last long, rest assured. I am starting to see why y'all keep committing arson. You will be closed shortly like the Zoo. #shopelsewhere #blackmarketparts #robbers #WHATGOESAROUND #COMESTHEEFFBACKAROUND

  • bahama girl

    bahama girl


    Very helpful. The guy that assisted us was friendly and when asked his thoughts, he spoke clear and with respect. Its was a great experience and a joy to buy bahamian.

  • Lindia Adderley67

    Lindia Adderley67


    Excellent service. I was about to purchase the wrong size of a steering wheel cover for my car. The cashier asked me what kind if car I had and informed me that I needed a larger one. I always have had great experiences at AID. It is my number one source for car parts. Both locations have great customer service.

  • Tracey Lunn

    Tracey Lunn


    Absolutely love this store!! Has everything you need and more, from rugs to shower curtains to comforters to vase. It has a wide range of parts, for almost every vehicle and the numbering service works great! The staff is very friendly and knowledgeable especially in the parts department. During the Christmas rush they bring on extra staff to help out which is a very good thing to help customers. This place is very, very awesome!!!!!!

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