Xscape Lounge i Nassau

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21A Madeira Street Palmdale Nassau N.P, Nassau, Bahamas
Kontakter telefon: +1 242-361-6000
Hjemmeside: www.xscapelounge.com
Latitude: 25.0655461, Longitude: -77.3279517
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Kommentar 5

  • Shanique Missick

    Shanique Missick


    The place is small but has great food and music

  • Kendrick Marshall

    Kendrick Marshall


    Stopped by for the first time last night and was i was happy i did. The staff was courteous , good drink selection and the drink prices was good. All in all it is a great place to hang out with friends in a nice part of town. Food's tasty as well.

  • Khonica Prosa

    Khonica Prosa


    I had such an amazing experience every time I was there! The staff is awesome and the owner is so warm and welcoming! Not to mention the food!!! OMG!!!! The atmosphere is so lit!!!! �

  • Otis Darville

    Otis Darville


    Xscape lounge.... says it all. If you need a way or reason to escape to a party of your fun times. Xscape lounge is the place to be, your not just looking for a weekend dance place. 7 days a week they are open! Drink specials daily, if your birthday fall on a Monday, they got a party for you! Nassau needed an escape place! This is the spot for u. Come through and they won't let u down!!

  • Amy A

    Amy A


    Courteous staff, good drink selection, karaoke night was fun! Great place to hang out with friends in a nice part of town. Food's tasty as well.

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