Red Carpet Inn Nassau i Nassau

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East Bay Street, Nassau, BS The Bahamas
Kontakter telefon: +1 242-393-7981
Latitude: 25.0729644, Longitude: -77.3124293
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Kommentar 5

  • Simon Lewis

    Simon Lewis


    Would be better if it had wifi in all rooms

  • deandrea major

    deandrea major


    Love this place and very clean kids friendly

  • montoya davis

    montoya davis


    Friendly staff nice rooms an I really enjoy the pool

  • Jamie Legrand

    Jamie Legrand


    Not really impressed. Try getting a towel around here. They dont change them out then when you try to you have to jump trough hoops to get one.

  • Cameron Wilbanks

    Cameron Wilbanks


    Went with a group and originally booked 6 rooms and upon arrival they only had 5 of the rooms on record for us. Also, we requested a rollaway bed which they said would be available and when this was requested they revealed that there were none at the hotel to begin with. The pool area was fairly nice and room amenities were standard including microwave, safe, refrigerator and television.

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