Pinewood Gardens Avacado Street i Nassau

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Nassau, The Bahamas
Kontakter telefon: +1-242
Latitude: 25.0269935, Longitude: -77.3307748
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Kommentar 5

  • Fabio Ambrister

    Fabio Ambrister


    A community park that offer the basic park standards

  • Hanniel Bowe

    Hanniel Bowe


    Nice place to have a relax time , but needs more shade

  • SsH



    A nice 3 Basketball courts, Run walk track & swing. Pound with fishes ,Ducks,Turtles & other wild Birds.

  • Akehia Thompson

    Akehia Thompson


    The best place to live

  • E. Adderley

    E. Adderley


    This park is nice and has lots of potential. It usually attracts a crowd after 3pm when students are getting out of school. On occasion, events such as the Christmas Tree Lighting and mostly lots of other child-friendly activities are hosted here. There is a playground, two basketball courts and a pond. There is a small track around the pond that most people use to get a few laps in. And, although there are public restrooms here, they are unaccessible at the moment- most likely due to poor maintenance.

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