Montagu Beach i Nassau

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East Bay Street, Nassau, BS The Bahamas
Kontakter telefon: +1 242-431-9153
Latitude: 25.0732797, Longitude: -77.3064941
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Kommentar 5

  • Paul Lowe

    Paul Lowe


    Very nice place to spend a relaxing hour, a walk, or enjoy occasional public parties and regattas.

  • Scarlett Powell

    Scarlett Powell


    The water is beautiful but the beach itself is a bit rocky and there were things thrown in the water, bottle caps, plastic waste or somehow made it into the water due to construction.... It was quiet, not too many people. Food truck near by for food and non alcoholic beverages. There are better beaches in the Bahamas.

  • Tamara Evans

    Tamara Evans


    One of the best beaches in New Providence. Great parking, ease of beach access, coconut water, fresh conch and conch fritters a stone's throw away!

  • Tony W

    Tony W


    The beach is very beautiful. It's small but because of that, it's not crowded. If you want to go to a peaceful beach with great scene, go here. If you're looking for fun with a crowd and lots of water sports, go to a more popular beach. Pay attention when you call a cab. Always ask the price first before riding it. If you don't do that, the cab driver may ask for a much higher price when you are arrived.

  • Carolyn Fox

    Carolyn Fox


    Peaceful early morning spot and also in the evenings. Bustling during g weekends with vendors serving up some delicious native food and drinks like fried fish, conch fritters, coconut water

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