Fun Galaxy Amusement Park i Nassau

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Bernard Road, Nassau, BS The Bahamas
Kontakter telefon: +1 242-364-4200
Latitude: 25.0488658, Longitude: -77.3053184
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Kommentar 5

  • colton Albury

    colton Albury


    It's a very clean place, the rides are good they are not to fast so the kids will love it. I went during the week, so my family had the whole place to ourselves. There was no lines to wait in.

  • Anthony Young

    Anthony Young


    Great place to host parties and have fun with the family. The only bad thing is they close at 8pm

  • Antonia Curry

    Antonia Curry


    Nice place to enjoy rides, with the entire family at a low cost.

  • Karen Joseph

    Karen Joseph


    Kids had a great time but it was pretty expensive for the amount of kids I took with me, I thought they would be more accommodating.

  • Nerrisa Davis

    Nerrisa Davis


    My kids had a great time there... Can't wait to return

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