First Caribbean Bank, Carmichael Branch i Nassau

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Carmichael Road, Nassau, BS The Bahamas
Kontakter telefon: +1 242-502-6834
Latitude: 25.0339991, Longitude: -77.3520394
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Kommentar 5

  • Karen Farrington

    Karen Farrington


    I visited Carmichael rd branch almost weekly and I was very impressed with the service and the ability to sit and wait for my number to be called but for the past 6-8 months after they switched tellers from the other branches the waiting time went from 3-5 minutes to 20-30 minutes which is unacceptable

  • E. Adderley

    E. Adderley


    This bank branch has to be the slowest ever. On a good day you'll spend at least 30-45 minutes waiting to be served and that is deplorable.

  • Lila Maycock

    Lila Maycock


    This the worst bank in the world. Y'all make me sick can't wait to closed my account. Y'all don't never ans the phone. The Bahamas really need to get with it. No stars

  • Talitha Rolle

    Talitha Rolle


    You can sit down and wait

  • Mark Knowles

    Mark Knowles


    Yesterday I visited the Carmichael Road branch and became quite agitated at the long wait I had to endure. Further, when my number was called the teller informed me that I works be unable to complete my transaction..after all was said and done I was helped by the manager or supervisor Mrs. McKenzie who was verrrry helpful and considerate. In my anxiety I don't remember if I got to say thank you to her. So, just in case, THANK YOU Mrs. McKenzie!! Blessings to you and your family. The long wait was totally forgotten because of you.

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