Café Matisse i Nassau

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Bank Lane, Nassau, BS Bahamas
Kontakter telefon: +1 242-356-7012
Latitude: 25.0771428, Longitude: -77.3402095
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Kommentar 5

  • Ashley Z.

    Ashley Z.


    My husband and I went to cafe Matisse for dinner and we were instantly greeted with a handshake by the owner as soon as we walked in the door. He personally sat us at our table and check on us periodically through out our meal. Absolutely beautiful atmosphere in the courtyard! Great music under a candle light dinner is what you would expect from vacationing in the Bahamas. Our waiter gave us excellent service. Always refilling our beverages in a very timely fashion. This restaurant is so classy. Would definitely recommend and go back. Food was also delicious!!! We went to Sapodilla prior. Food was good but service was terrible. Would not go back. Cafe Matisse really helped make our vacation to the Bahamas feel special. :):):)

  • Louis Casale

    Louis Casale


    Had been to Bahamas twice, the second time was for a bachelor party and we decided to a dinner outside of the resort. This was a phenomenal find. The food was absolutely amazing and the service may have been the best I have ever gotten at any restaurant ever. If you go try to sit outside out back. Order the octopus!

  • Coretta Owen

    Coretta Owen


    Cafe Matisse is one of the best restaurants on the island. Always great customer service, ambiance priceless and the meal is superb. Highly recommend for a mid week lunch or any super evening celebration. Greg, Alan and the staff will always make you feel welcomed. Coretta & James Owen

  • Leah Henderson

    Leah Henderson


    Cafe Matisse is one of the best restaurants on the island. Try any of the homemade pasta dishes and I promise you will not be disappointed. I would highly recommend sitting in the garden if it's a nice night. The food is delicious and the staff are amazing.

  • Megan Fisher

    Megan Fisher


    I’ll start this by saying - best food on the island by far. Everything we had was absolutely amazing. Service was great and there were constantly people coming by to check on us and refill our water. The whole place was just absolutely beautiful and a very intimate dining experience. Prices are definitely high but I think it was appropriate for the dining experience compared to the other offerings in Nassau. They lost a star because although the service was attentive, it was insanely slow. It took 3 1/2 hours for a soup, our entrees and dessert. They lost another star because I had half of my $35 entree boxed (they boxed and kept downstairs until it was time for us to leave) to eat the next day and when we got back to our hotel I realized they sent me home with someone else’s gnawed on t-bone instead of the very generous portion of lamb and potatoes I had left over. When I called about this error and asked for a partial refund they told me all I could do was come back again tonight and they’d give me free lamb. I expected better customer service from a higher end restaurant instead of blowing me off and giving a non-solution.

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